The DIY Sumiko Master Speaker Setup Guide

November 14, 2019

If you have a 2-channel speaker setup and you’ve ever Googled the best way to position your speakers, chances are that you’ve come across forums talking about the Sumiko Master Set Speaker Placement procedure. The basic concept of this approach is that it positions each speaker independently to sound best in your particular room rather than placing them based on generic manufacturer recommendations or a perfectly symmetrical configuration. This, in theory, should help those with asymmetrical and complicated listening rooms (like me) get the best performance possible.

The protocol takes patience to get it right (allow several hours if you are a perfectionist), as both speakers will require much trial and error to get positioned “perfectly” (subjectively speaking) within the room. The results, however, might lead you one more step toward Audio Nirvana.

According to Sumiko Audio, “The most important component in any audio or theater system is the proper placement and positioning of the speakers into the listening environment. Putting the speakers where they truly belong, so they don't fight each other, so they work in total unison not only with each other but also with the room, is the end all be all for proper music reproduction in the home.”

Becoming a true “master” of this process requires training or paid consultation and setup, so keep in mind that online guides are second-hand instructions, but there are several write-ups and audio forum threads that rave about the results by DIY-ers like us.

Below is the best step-by-step guide — supposedly presented by John Hunter, the owner of Sumiko Audio and REL — that I came across. I edited it for length and clarity and split some of the steps to make the process easier to follow. Another twist on this approach is this “light” methodology, which suggests toeing-in the “anchor” speaker directly toward the listening position from the start. I believe this approach could sacrifice good soundstage, so I prefer the approach below.

Sumiko Master Speaker Setup Protocol

Step 1 - remove any (easily) removable acoustic treatments from the room. Anything that is permanently fixed and all your furniture is OK to leave.

Step 2 - remove the speaker stand spikes to make sliding the stands easier, or at least level all the spikes so the speaker is completely level. If you own heavy speakers, use furniture sliders to make positioning easier. If you have hard floors, try setting the speakers on a soft towel to assist in sliding.

Step 3 - establish your listening seat. Optimally, you will set the speakers and your listening seat in the shape of a triangle. Space permitting, it is generally recommended to start with the speakers set at least 8-12 ft. apart and the listening seat 12-15 ft. back. An equilateral triangle arrangement is often advised as well. Adjust accordingly to your room constraints. When properly set, the speakers will likely be out at least 18 inches from the front boundary wall. Your listening seat likewise should be at least 24 inches from a rear boundary.

Step 4 - place both left and right speakers directly against the front boundary wall facing straight out into the room. No inward “toe-in” angle should be attempted yet. Generally, start with your speakers set 24-36 inches in from the sidewalls to limit early reflections (final positioning will change). The left speaker is going to become the “anchor” speaker for the set up.

Note: If you have an odd shaped room, starting with the speaker that has the most wall to work along or shortest distance to a rear boundary may be beneficial.

Step 5 - get grooving. Proper speaker placement requires music. Hunter recommends using a Rob Wasserman song featuring vocals by Jennifer Warnes called “Ballad of the Runaway Horse” from his Duets album. You could also try streaming it or using this YouTube recording, although the quality isn’t as good. Another disc regarded for fine-tuning speaker placement is Chesky Records Jazz Sampler & Audiophile Test Compact Disc Vol. 1.

Now, begin playing the “Ballad.” What makes this song so effective for this setup protocol is that “the plucked string bass is at realistic volume at realistic timber.” So, the first goal is to get the bass properly coupled to the room and the drivers.

Play this track at volumes where you can easily detect bass quality, which is usually between 80-95 db. Hunter says sometimes you will need to crank it up a bit to fully engage the room.

Step 6 - get a helper if possible (it will make moving and listening easier). Have your helper slide your anchor speaker out into the room until the bass becomes solid and authoritative. Mark this spot with some painter’s tape.

Make sure your helper stands behind the speaker when he/she moves it and then steps away from it, because their body will affect the sound if they stand alongside the speaker.

Step 7 - slide the anchor speaker right and left (toward and away from the sidewall) to find the best bass quality. Mark this spot.

Step 8 - slide the anchor speaker further out into the room to find other points where the bass couples properly in your room. Mark these positions with your tape.

Note: There may be a dozen spots within a three-foot zone of your first spot. This is where the process can become tedious, because Hunter says as little as one-third of an inch can differentiate good bass quality from lifeless bass.

Step 9 - listen to all the good bass points until you find your favorite. Mark it.

Remember that steps 6-9 are all done with just the anchor speaker playing straight out while the other speaker is playing straight into the room from its position against the front wall.

Step 10 - establish the “toe in” angle of your anchor speaker toward your listening seat.

You want the widest possible soundstage without the sound becoming too thin. Hunter says he usually ends up seeing about two-thirds of the inside wall of the speaker cabinet when it is positioned about right.

Do not toe in or toe out excessively, which ruins the soundstage. The sound will be very natural when the angle is right — too wide or too narrow will make the sound thin or seem like it is coming from two speakers instead of the space between them.

Your anchor is now set. Mark this spot.

Step 11 - reinsert the anchor speaker’s spikes and level the speaker.

Step 12 - set the second speaker’s position. Move it slowly out into the room while listening for the soundstage to line up equally in front of you. By this, Hunter means the soundstage is flat in front of you, not tilted like one speaker sounds closer than the other.

Remember to keep this speaker oriented straight ahead.

Step 13 - move the speaker right and left until you hear the soundstage become cohesive — Warnes should sound like she is standing between your speakers.

Step 14 - toe in the speaker very slightly until you hear Warnes’ voice become a “body” centered in the soundstage. You will hear the sound “congeal nicely” when this is right. It may be necessary to make very minor angle adjustments to get her voice centered. Be patient and you will be rewarded.

If the soundstage is not linear, meaning one speaker sounds more forward than the other, then simply slide the second speaker front or back slightly until the soundstage is “level.” Moving it right or left adjusts the centering of Warnes’ voice.

You should now have accomplished sound coupling of the speakers to your room boundaries. To test if this is the case, you should be able to stand directly over either speaker and clearly hear the other speaker.

Step 15 - mark the final location of both speakers.

Step 16 - reinsert the second speaker’s spikes.

Step 17 - begin adjusting the critical rake angle of the anchor speaker.

If your speakers or speaker stands do not have adjustable spikes, you can try using door shims or wedge spacers. Adjust the spikes to get the speaker level across the front and raked back to get the beam of the tweeter firing an inch or two above your ears when seated in your listening position.

Listen to the quality of Warnes’ voice. She should appear to be ear level or slightly above ear level in the soundstage.

Remember, this is a personal choice. Many audiophiles prefer ear level because the sound is slightly fuller. A little above ear level may sound more natural or like a live musical event.

Step 18 - begin adjusting the spikes on the second speaker to match the “height” of the anchor speaker.

Step 19 - once immersed in eargasm-inducing sound, take measurements of the speaker locations from the walls. Take digital photos. Map it out. Eventually, your setup will get shifted out of place somehow. You need to have these measurements so you don’t have to repeat the setup process (except for when you get new speakers).

Step 20 - reinstall any acoustic treatments you removed (or experiment with some new ones) to see if you can improve upon the room’s sound, but don’t touch the speakers’ locations.

If your ears aren’t fatigued by this point, Hunter says he likes to follow up with some confirmation tests using the Chesky album previously mentioned. Track 10 is great for confirming left and right positioning: “On cut 10, the speaker starts out two feet from the microphone in center stage. Then he moves mid-way right, full right, and off-stage right. He then repeats this on the left. Simply slide your right speaker right or left to get the sound staging perfect.” Track 11 verifies your rake angles with “Over, Lateral, Under, and Up” tones.

While completing this process may not make you a true Sumiko Master, what you have done, hopefully, is couple your speakers to your room based upon your primary listening position.

If this seems too involved, check out these other speaker placement calculators and guides.

Let me know your results, tips, and tricks. As I setup my new listening room, I plan to try several configurations to figure out which approach is really the “master.”

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  1. Complete rubbish.

    1. Insightful response.... I've used a similar process for multiple speakers and have had good results. I also like Wilson Audio's approach to speaker placement.

  2. Hi I am not a native english so not all understood. What you mean at 9 Remember that steps 6-9 are all done with just the anchor speaker playing straight out while the other speaker is playing straight into the room from its position against the front wall. Straight out and into the room. Are they playing the same direction means both to the listenning position or one to me and second opposite ? Not clear. Thx

    1. The Sound Apprentice11:39 AM, October 24, 2022

      Marek, this process has you move the left and right speakers independently, so one remains stationary against the wall while you are perfecting the placement of the other. Only once you're happy with the position of the first speaker do you move on to repeating the process for the second speaker. Depending on your room shape and furnishings, the most balanced sound to you may not mean each speaker is in an identical position.

    2. OK. Thx. This is what I understood more than less from original Bob lecture on YouTube but also some points were disputable. Will try soon with my stuff.Thx.

    3. The Sound Apprentice12:07 PM, October 24, 2022

      If this process doesn't work out well for some reason, I've had good results using the steps in this document:

    4. Already got also direct answer from Bob Robbins via YouTube confirming what you said. Thx again

  3. Regarding listening position, if i start with the equal triangle of 10 ft
    do i move the listening position each time i move the speaker to maintian the triangle? or set the listening position 24 inches from the rear wall and leave it

    1. A couple things: You may or may not end up in an equilateral triangle, it really depends on your room dimensions, room shape, and how your speakers activate the room. You may or may not want to sit 24" from a back wall. Likely, the only time you would end up that close to a wall is if you have a smaller room. This is a process of trial and error to dial everything in for your given space. Every time I change speakers, I end up readjusting my listening position just a bit. What are the dimensions of your space?

    2. my room is 19.5L x 14W x 9H, its a dedicated room, nothing but chair and speakers. from what ive read, it seems that this method should be done with speakers on the long wall, so that gives me 14 feet to work with.
      i guess im condussed about where to put the listening position, assuming everything is tuned to that point, do i just pick a spot and thats where it stays regardless of the triangle? thanks for your time

    3. I would start with the speakers on the 14' wall so you have more depth to work with. Likely about 35" in from the side walls is a good place to start. You probably won't move them much more than 39" from the front wall unless you are going to do a nearfield setup because you'll get into a bass null. You can start your listening position in an equilateral triangle from there as long as you aren't sitting dead center in the room, which would give you huge bass null. You may end up sitting at around 12' 8" from the front wall. My room is just a bit larger and positioning has generally fallen around 2/3rds of the room measured from front wall to listening position and 1/5 of the width of the room from side wall to speaker.

  4. Hello, this is a helpful approach. My room is 10.5x22’. I must place the speakers on the short wall, as due to an opening in the middle of the long wall it just doesn’t allow me to put a seating position there. Would this process work if setting the speakers up on the short wall? At best, I can get my speakers 7-8 ft apart, leaving around 18” space between the speakers and the side wall.

    1. Yes, the process would be the same regardless of using the long or short wall. It'll take some trial and error as always, but my guess is you'll end up with a decent near-field listening position. I'd recommend starting with the center of the speaker 25" in from the side wall and tweaking from there.

  5. Hello there! I am in an incipient part where I am choosing which wall should accommodate my speakers. The room is 16.9x10.8. Any recommendations?

    1. I think it will depend on how you intend to use the space. If it's a dedicated listening room, I'd honestly try setups on both walls. I generally like some depth behind the seating position, but the 10.8' wall is going to limit you on how far you'd want to sit back anyway.

      On the 10.8' wall, I'd start with the center of the speaker 26" in from the side walls and the front edge of the cabinet no more than 39" from the front wall. Listening position would be about 78" from the front of the speaker cabinet to start at an equilateral triangle.

      On the 16.9' wall, I'd start with the center of the speaker about 41" in from the side walls and the front of the cabinet again no more than 39" from the front wall. Because you're limited on depth behind your seated position, you may not be able to get to an equilateral triangle starting position without either moving the speakers further in from the side walls or moving them much closer to the front wall. It's going to be a series of trials and errors to figure out what's best.

  6. Dumb question to ask. In working the process, we are listening to both speakers in stereo mode, right? And while we are working the process, first working on the anchor speaker, won't it be difficult to hone in on a single speaker while both speakers are being played? I haven't done it yet, but I anticipate it will be hard for me to concentrate on, for example, the bass coming from the left speaker. I hope that makes sense? Any tips, greatly appreciated.

    1. When you first begin, you're only listening to the anchor speaker. Once that one is set, then you would be listening to both to set the second one. However, you could try doing both independently and see what happens. Unless you have the means to use a calibrated mic to make recordings and see your room response, it's going to be a case of trial and error to find what sounds best.

    2. Thank you Derrick! Not only for all the effort you have already expended; but for your continued willingness to help us. It means a lot to me. OK, well here goes. I'll keep you posted.

  7. "This is an incredibly detailed and well-structured guide to the Sumiko Master Speaker Setup! Proper speaker placement truly makes a difference, and it's great to see a step-by-step breakdown of the process. The emphasis on bass coupling and precise adjustments is key. Wall speakers can also benefit from careful positioning to optimize sound quality. Thanks for sharing this valuable resource!"





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